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Financial topics are always finicky. Either you fully grasp them by dedicating most of your time to them or you end up here craving for swift solutions in things that should not take your valuable time. Your finances and financial processes must be spot on. Yet, you see a pile of work of unorganized data that you can’t use to file taxes properly and to understand your business correctly. You are not alone, this is what happens when you do not have the ressources to set it up properly in the first place.


We’re here to help you with:


– Financial planning, budgeting, business cases,
financial modeling and forecasting
– Acting as your sparring partner to banks, investors,
lawyers, tax and audits
– Reporting (IFRS & HGB) and controlling to
internal and external stakeholders
– Fundraising investor talks
– Pitch decks, investor decks
– Applications for subsidies, grants and aid money
– Deeds, shareholder agreements, convertible loans
– M&A, valuations, corporate finance
– Corporate Governance
– Tax, VAT and tax-optimized corporate set-ups
– Transfer Pricings

Medicinal cannabis was legalized in Germany in 2017. The regulatory framework to launch pharmaceuticals with cannabinoids, however, is hard to navigate for roducers and distributors that want to excel in the German market.


We successfully launched multiple products and understand the regulatory requirements and the quickest pathways to market.


We can help you with:


– German regulatory set-up, communication with authorities
(municipality, state and federal agencies) and processes to
market authorisation
– Understanding of all laws, permits and licenses required to
– Obtaining all necessary permits to bring your products
online and ready to sell quickly
products online and ready to sell quickly.
– BfArM (Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte)
– MRA (mutual recognition agreements)
– AMRadV (Verordnung über radioaktive oder mit ionisierenden
Strahlen behandelte Arzneimittel)
– DAB (Deutsches Arzneibuch, German Pharmacopoeia)
– Ph.Eur (European Pharmacopoeia)
– All cannabis relevant monographs
– All regulated cannabinoids, in particular THC and CBD
– Cannabis as an API
– Cannabis as magistral preparation
– Cannabis as finished product / proprietary medicinal products
– First-party know-how as entrepreneur
– Innate, structured project management ability
– Hands-on execution skill as expert and as top/seasoned

Managing and developing start-ups


– Based in Berlin, Germany’s hub for start-ups, we have successfully managed early growth ventures and are pros in all important managerial issues
– Our support support is fast and efficient just like you run your business
– We provide you with pitch decks, slides, external and internal reporting, business cases from seed to late stage with direct access to go-to-partners in the Berlin and German start-up ecosystem