With a short glance at Europe’s cannabis market landscape today, you can easily figure that many businesses lack a decent strategy. Medical cannabis companies are generic suppliers, and recreational cannabis companies operate borderline-illegal. Most of the cannabis ventures out there have absolutely no USP, are copy-cats of one another, miss innovation and growth perspectives. “Spain is next to legalize” or “Hemp THC levels will soon be 1%” are narratives that experts and investors are tired of hearing.
Pharmaceutical cannabis products are measured towards their clinical trial results amongst healthcare professionals. Medical cannabis and magistral preparations need innovative dosage forms, extraordinary dense cannabinoid profiles and unique chemovars.
Auxiliary products and services as well as recreational-centric business will only gain market share when they have strategically developed products based on consumers’ needs. Owning crucial parts of the supply chain to keep your product promise whilst leaving the right parts to experts (outsourcing) is an exercise that cannot be underestimated in today’s cannabiz’ world. The very volatile market environment of cannabis makes a decent strategy vital.
Go for cannabis VUCA-world prepared and strategically set to win with Suasionis. Contact us.